I was walking along Deansgate in Manchester after site visit in nearby chapel I am currently designing when I saw this place. I was hungry and homemade burger sounded really appealing but not the burger caught my eyes first but the industrial and white brick interiors!
It was a must! I had to get in! I have ordered avocado burger which was really tasty actually! I ate so fast that didn’t managed to to take picture 😉 What I liked in this interior-simplicity… !White brick walls with some typography on..
black traditional anglepoise lighting and rustic white floors! Also instead of spending fortune for some accessories they simply used paper animal heads (very popular as deer lately) I also liked the simple design on can’s ( cutlery holder). Upcycling is very trendy! Yes! Doors are quite interesting. I can imagine making simple door like that! Just adding little detail, repaint in rustic finish and Voila! The walls were left natural with visible wear & tear signs (i do believe is made in purpose) . I do like the place. it’s clean, simple and not overdone! That’s a Yay from me!…Link to the place (link)
black traditional anglepoise lighting and rustic white floors! Also instead of spending fortune for some accessories they simply used paper animal heads (very popular as deer lately) I also liked the simple design on can’s ( cutlery holder). Upcycling is very trendy! Yes! Doors are quite interesting. I can imagine making simple door like that! Just adding little detail, repaint in rustic finish and Voila! The walls were left natural with visible wear & tear signs (i do believe is made in purpose) . I do like the place. it’s clean, simple and not overdone! That’s a Yay from me!…Link to the place (link)
karolina pachniewicz
superancko……………….. . nowa kolezanko xx
Uwielbiam ta knajpke! Mam kupe zdjec z innych miejsc wiec bede je powoli tutaj wklejac !:)
WOW! Wnętrze jest niesamowite, BARDZO chciałabym się tam wybrać!
Czy tylko mi wszystko bardziej smakuje w ładniejszym wnętrzu? 😉
To samo pomyslalam! Nawet jak troche tam spala to tez, jakos tak lepiej nawet spalone smakuje 😉
little HOME inspiration
świetne miejsce! dobry klimat do konsumpcji burgerów 🙂 pozdrawiam,
Jest wiecej taki miejsc w Manchester i bede je powoli odkrywac 🙂
Pretty Place Little Space
Ależ mi się ta zieleń podoba! Nie sądziłam, że może tak fajnie pasować do bieli szarości, chyba coś sobie "maznę" 🙂
Przyznam,ze ja chyba nigdy tez zieleni nie uzylam! To pokazuje,ze warto czasem poeksperymentowac z kolorami!
Design or Breakfast
Bardzo przytulne miejsce 🙂
Tez mi sie bardzo podoba 😉 Zapraszam czesciej do mnie, wiecej bede takich miejsc pokazywac ! 🙂
Lifestyle Inspiracje
Bardzo ciekawe i inspirujące miejsce. Pozdrawiam 🙂
Fajnie sie tam siedzialo no i jakos tak hamburger smakowal lepiej 😉 Dziekuje za odwiedziny 🙂
Tante Mali
Wow, what a place!!! Love the combination green and grey! Looks elegant and funky in one! Nice blog you have with tonns of inspirations!
Thank you for your lovely visit and charming comment!
All my best and happy days
Thank you Elisabeth for stopping by! All best x
Spoko 🙂