Next Wishlist January 2015 |
You may have noticed this beautiful little pink badge on the left side on my blog…Not quite yet? Well, I am so happy to announce that My blog has been nominated as Blogger of the Month January by Next Blogger Network ! Yay! NBN is created by, it is an online community for bloggers. It’s a great place to meet and make new friends with other bloggers and get an inspiration for your blog based on NBN blog posts! If you haven’t sign up yet it’s a must now! :)I personally love Next Homeware ! I have previously featured their products on my blog post.. just to name few..
1. Can Pink be Elegant ? Yes, if you go for Pink and Copper with a hint of grey.. !
2.My Winter Cosy Black & White
3.Apartment with Love
and many more! (Check the Archive!)
I know some of you don’t have a blog but you read my blog! (Thank you!!) 😉 I set this blog over a year ago but I was very inconsistent in blogging as I was lacking organisation. Since I started in February last year, until December I had about 3000 views. I reactivated the blog during Xmas and I was actively posting since. I have now impressive 15 000 views which makes 12 000 for just over a month! I know some famous bloggers would laugh as this probably is their weekly achievement but for me it’s a huge one!Thank you so much!
Also all best to my new Blog Friends 🙂 !
Here are the questions for those who reads but don’t blog!ps.
”It’s time to award our Blogger of the Month for January – and we’re excited to announce it’s….. Anna from: To get to know Anna, we fired over some questions…
1. When did you start blogging and what prompted you to start?
There were a few things that got me blogging. I always felt like a ‘mind exhibitionist’ and felt I wanted to express what’s inside my head. I don’t like to hold my thoughts, passion and enthusiasm especially when it comes to design. Since my friends and family have no interest in interiors, stopped listening to me going on and on about design I had to come up with an idea and find listeners with whom I can share all my thoughts!! Also, it it’s helping me with work to have my own personal space where I can gather all my research data. So, I have set up a blog exactly a year ago in February!
2. Who is your blogspiration i.e. which bloggers inspire you?
More than bloggers I get inspired by beautiful places, items and people. I recently moved to Manchester and I am always discovering stunning shops, restaurants and all these amazing spaces I can write about! I also get inspired by reading magazines like Vogue Living, Elle Decoration or design books. There are so many amazing design blogs and I would say every blogger inspires me somehow. My favourites are;,, but also the less famous blogs of normal people who have passion for interiors and design. I love blogger communities!
3. What’s the one thing you wished you’d known when you starting blogging?
To buy a calendar and organise posts in advance! Honestly! I started blogging then stopped after a few months as I was lacking organisation which is crucial I think! Now I have a schedule for blog posts and other social media like twitter, Pinterest Instagram etc.
4. How would you describe your style?
Personally I love a mix of industrial with a touch of Scandinavian and huge splash of colour and textures. I wouldn’t say this is my style statement! As a designer I have learned that sticking to one style is impossible so I like to experiment with styles, colours and textures! Have fun with it! The beauty of the design world whether it is fashion, interior or product design; is the fact that there is no limit! You can be creative as you want.
5. What wardrobe item could you not live without?
Pyjamas! Honestly I am a pyjama freak! I have more pyjamas than any other clothes!
6. What are your top five favourite items from
I absolutely adore the whole Bloomingville Collection of items, the geometry, copper it! But my favourites are;
7. Where do you go to write your blog?
I usually blog from home but I often go to café’s as I love watching people, trying to
guess what they do in life. Successful people inspire me.
8. What top tip have you learned through blogging?
Well, this is fairly new thing I’ve learned, to save your pictures in a descriptive way i.e. ‘’This-is-yellow-flower’’ so it would be easier to find your blog if someone were to search Google!
9. I am not just a blogger, I’m also…
Interior designer and Workplace Consultant, winner of Dean’s Award at University and crazy cat lady!
10. Tell us a random fact about yourself?
Ok, when I was 15 I was trained to be hairdresser but I failed miserably at it! My friends weren’t impressed with their hair at that time either
11. What are your blogging goals for 2015?
1. Set up a YouTube Account and start Vlogging!
2. Get good relations with PR Companies and start receiving samples and interior design products for reviews!
3. My biggest goal is that people would enjoy the blog. I always felt I wanted share my passion and if I can make someone’s life easier by my tips or inspire someone I am double happy!
Alina Isaev
I love your choices, I'd literally would easily have all of those in my house lol
The Fairytale Pretty Picture
I love it to! 🙂 specially selected!;))
WOW! Ja również zaczęłam przygodę z blogowaniem w okolicach świąt i Twoje wyniki są dla mnie imponujące – sama chciałabym takie mieć. 🙂
Gratuluję wielkiego wyróżnienia, zdecydowanie na nie zasłużyłaś! 🙂
Oh widze wiecej nas swiatecznych dziewczyn tutaj! Swieta mega inpiruja i to chyba najlepszy czas by stworzyc bloga! Dziekuje 🙂
Lifestyle Inspiracje
Gratulacje Aniu, świetny blog 🙂
Dziekuje. Ja jestem ogromna fanka Twojego o czym zreszta wiesz 😉
Nie wątpie:p. W sumie to zaczęłyśmy równo- ja też w święta, wiec rozkręcajmy się:p serio polubiłam blogowanie, więc niech trwa:)!
tak tak niech trwa! 😀 Ja mam tylo nadzieje,ze wiecej czasu bede z pracy by blogowac bo na chwile obecna mamy wariatkowo!
Congrats! szczerze zazdroszczę!! 🙂 może kiedyś do Ciebie dobiję:P
Oh to rachej kiedy aj dobije do ciebie ;)) dziekuje! Ja bede robic pozniej liste wszystkich blogow zeby miec was wszystkich w jednym miejscu! 🙂
lubię czytać co piszesz również dlatego, że oprócz interesującej treści masz notki po angielsku ( a to moje loove) i mieszkasz w miejscu, które uwielbiam 🙂 sama myślę nad angielskimi notkami, bo mam sporo znajomych z poza Polski, ale jeszcze nie wiem czy to dobry pomysł. jak uważasz? 🙂
Uwazam,ze skoro znasz angielski to nawet nie tyle co powinnas ale musisz!:) masz fajne zdjecia, interesujace notki dlaczego nie? Ja dopiero zaczynam i jeszcze sie gubie, odkrywam itp. ale daj mi pol roku a sie dopiero rozkrece 😉
I wiemy więcej o Ani! Jeszcze raz GRATULUJĘ!
Dziekuje! Jeszcze sie nacieszyc nie moge! Normalnie sie wzruszylam 🙂