I promised to keep you on loop with what’s happening at the apartment I am designing. Read here about the concept design link. It’s not completed yet but I have first draft of the bedroom design. We still missing here a lot but I wanted to show you the few bits.:) The side tables are different to the original and these are just temporary. Once the place is completed I will show you more. Therefore this note will only show you sneak peak and is short 🙂 I hope you like it!
the lamps and side tables are from link*
mojepierwszeM Blog
Pomysł na szafę super, chociaż zmusza do trzymania w niej porządku 🙂 Bardzo podobają mi się też zwisające lampy i stoliki nocne 🙂
Marta Chmielecka
small bedroom to to co ostatnio mnie prześladuje:P zapowiada się super:)
My tween would go nuts for that room!
haha i bet!
Tastes Better From Scratch
Wow you did soo well with that small space! I love the lamp and side table!
the side table isnt there originally ;p the real oe is way cooler;p
Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M
Wow! Love those lamps!
they fab aren't they!
I really like the bold geometric design on the wall–looks like a cool place to sleep!
I will get one like that as well ;p i hope my client wont mind haha
christine gallagher
I love the wall design the colors are great
Aww Thanks Christine! You are so kind <3
Alyssa Zapinski
I adore the walls!
<3 thanks Alyssa! 🙂
Podobają mi się i lampy i tapeta (uwielbiam geometryczne, kolorowe wzory). Pomysł na szafę za kratą-rewelacja. Odważny i oryginalny. Spokojnego wieczorku!
Tez uwielbiam! 🙂 Inaczej nie? Ja nie lubie powielac pomyslow. ja lubie kreaowac swoje 😉 Tak ja TY zreszta 😀 xx
I really love the storage under the bed! I've been wanting to get something similar. I really like the vibe in the room as well very urban! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Its going to ace! Far better than what you see now 🙂 This is just a sneak peak of the unfurnished bits 🙂
Cindy Huggins
I love this color!! I am trying to find a good color for our living room but it' just so hard to!!
Its difficult! I know. Try to check your surrounding and start collecting small pieces you like color of.. even if key ring, business card, leaflet etc. put them together somewhere. And check once a week, it may bring some ideas 🙂
Baba Ma Dom
Aniu kojarzy mi się to z pokojem nastolatki – mam rację? U nas nigdzie, u nikogo nie widziałam takiego rozwiazania na szafę – ciekawe czy przyjełoby się 🙂
nie nie! 🙂 Pewnie zdjecie z sluchawkami cie zmylilo. Pokoj nastolatki kochana to mialby pompony, roz, plakaty i inne bzdety co nastaltki maja. Nie widac calego pokoju i bardzo wazne elementy jak krzeslo, stoliki przy lozku lampa itp tego nie ma. Plus na szybko taka troszke posciel wlasnie z wzorem ktory moze zgubic. Ale jak bedzie skonczone to kazdy dodatek to wtedy bedziesz widziec ,ze to z pokojem nastolatek nie ma nic wspolnego. To pokoj dla mlodej pary daleko przed 30tka 😉
Channing C
Omg I love that wall pattern Anna! 🙂
Quite pricey but well worthy!
Amy Lyons
i love the lamps! xx
These are my fav as well!
Very neat! I'm in love with that closet!
I love it to! It was quite brave but I think its very effective!
Great use of space…and really modern!
Thanks Marissa!
Sarah Bristow
I absolutely love those lamps!! The colours of the room are gorge. I can't wait to see the finished product 🙂
Sarah xxx || http://www.whatsasssays.com
Thanks Sarah! Yeah once is done it will be far better as well 😉