In February, I decided to take a huge step and left a good-paying job in the office to start my solo career. I had absolutely no clue, where to start but I only knew I just want to follow my dreams. Inspired by the popular book #Girlboss, (£7 on Amazon)
I wanted to start on my own success, I wanted to be a girlboss. I really liked my job, I was designing offices and I had a great team but I just felt, like I needed a change if I want to succeed. I’m not going to lie and say that I went straight into amazing life earning billions because it just didn’t happen. I made myself a list of goals and things I want to achieve and slowly started working toward it. I have noticed recently many people are thinking of a similar path but just don’t know where to start, some of them are bloggers, some of them are just simply bored with their recent jobs. I have decided to take the lead and start offering interior design services. I have a first-class degree, 3 years experience and a little creative head, so I’m more than sure I will succeed. Not everyone has a degree in a design, but there’re many other ways, to turn your passion into income and you can become your own girlboss.
Getting started: Come up with some catchy name. Don’t just go with a foodblog1234 as this proven failure. Think outside the box. Try to combine your niche & with something that will stick. Mine, for example, was to highlight, I am all about style; whether is interior, fashion or just lifestyle. It’s assertive but it’s working! Try with simple WordPress or Blogger at first, use the basic theme and just start writing and see how you feel about it. I wouldn’t recommend spending money on an expensive template just yet, as you will change it multiple time, and perhaps you will rebrand as well.
Personalised printing.
Nothing more brings people joy than personalised prints, mugs or cushions. It’s also a great way for you to make money this way. If you have photoshop or illustrator skills, the world is your oyster. It’s a fun way to make an income but also, to create your own little business. It’s a bit competitive business but with your own creativity, you can make beautiful creations that will stand out. Look out for latest trends on social media as inspiration or create your own Pinterest board with inspirations You can start with creating an online account with for example or sell them directly via your Instagram or own website. You don’t have to just stick to prints, you can create mugs or T-shirts, cushions or personalised blankets.
Pros: Flexible work from home, all you need is access to a photoshop where you can download your ready mockup and you can change colours, fonts etc.
Cons: It will require loads of work. Everyone is different so your customers will have their own preferences. It’s good to be able to give them their option to change colours of fonts as their request.
Getting started: You don’t need to create an expensive website for it. You can start with a basic shop on Etsy. To get photoshop, you can co it via Cloud now, where you pay only for one product from Adobe. It will also require to invest in your products, like mugs, printing & packaging. Start with a simple plan for what you need. Firstly, it’s the products. Make sure you find good quality ceramic mugs, cushions or paper. Next, it’s the actual design. Design bundles can help you to achieve your goals with their simple mug mockup, flyers or even stickers. You can purchase a license for all your designs or even personalised packaging. Next, it’s the printing services. Once you have created your desired design, you will have to send it for printing. Often local businesses are the best, as you can go have a look at samples, abs get your products faster. Once your design is printed, then look out for secured packaging and postal methods.
Catering/cake making
Getting started: To cook from home you’ll need to undergo a hygiene assessment and you will also require public liability insurance. You’ll need to show your cooking area is kept clean and separate from domestic tasks and potential contaminants such as washing or pets, so if you don’t have a utility room or similar that you can convert you may want to consider zoning off an area. Set up yourself a Facebook page with loads of images of your food as well as social media. You want to reach locally so try to target your audience by your location. Also, local pages like gumtree or Facebook groups are great to spread the word as well as ask friends to share your page.
Many big companies have their own in-house social media teams or agencies that they work with but for startups and small companies (like caterers or dog walkers!) it can be tricky to find the time to manage social media profiles and get the job done at the same time. If you know social media tricks, you could make extra money managing social media profiles for others and ensuring the right people are hearing about and seeing their products in a positive way as well as helping them growing their followers.
Pros: If you’re very social media savvy or have worked in marketing before this is something you could get started with straight away – it’s also a role that can to an extent be done on the move too – providing you have an internet connection.
Do you dream of ditching the day job to set up on your own?
*Collaborative post but opinion as always my own,girl gotta eat you know 🙂
Rebecca Ellis
Fantastic read! I started blogging in August, and I've been gradually progressing, like you say it takes hard work and determination. I've also started my own business recently doing ironing, and it's been going really well! x
Rosa Fairfield
Great post, I'm starting to earn decent money from blogging, so I hope that continues. I'm lucky that it didn't really cost me anything to start my blog – as I already had all the equipment I needed and do web-design myself.
Such an interesting blog, and learnt a lot! Thanks very much!
Effi Summers
I must read this book! Haha. Well done for taking the plunge, I think the hardest aspect of working for yourself is having the guts to jump into the unknown and work flat out to build up your business. xx
Effi |
Angela Milnes
I like the idea of dog walking for money. I agree blogging as a professional is hard work and so much to do and learn.
Laura Ferry
I haven't read Girl Boss but I really want to! I totally agree that nothing happens over night so gaining experience in the field is vital. I worked for 2 years on my blog before I started earning money from it and went full time nearly 4 years ago. Its taken a hell of a lot of hard work but its true what they say; find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life! xxx
Dont Cramp My Style
That's soo true! I am more inspired by people like you Laura, who did it and don't regret! Thanks!
Fashion Du Jour
I have what can only be described as a portfolio career – I do various jobs in the field I love, Performing Arts and so my passion is my paycheck and I love it. I do not regret leaving my safe job as I wake each day loving what I do. Your suggestions are great and I wish you all the best – you have such style and you need to share it with others!
Thanks for sharing!
Leigh at Fashion Du Jour LDN x
Dont Cramp My Style
Ah awesome! Thank you for the positivity and I am glad to hear it worked so well for you!
I started my business over 3 years go all food related like my blog Travel & food. I don't regret one bit. Tough but so many opportunities. R
Dont Cramp My Style
That's amazing Rosana! It's tough, agree I am only learning as well!
Erin Niimi-Longhurst
I loved reading Girl Boss way more than I thought I would – it was really isnpiring, and I'm so glad I'm now in a role that inspires me and that I love!
Dont Cramp My Style
Ah amazing! What is the role?